What is the aim?
Mullet Creek falls from the Ingleside escarpment to the Warriewood wetlands and into the Narrabeen Lagoon. This steep narrow valley is home to many vulnerable and significant fauna species, including the Heath Monitor, Grey- Headed Flying Fox, Sugar Glider and Brown Antechinus.
Of particular concern is the protection of habitat for the endangered Giant Burrowing Frog and the Red-Crowned Toadlet. The Foundation is about the complete a 6 year project to reduce the weed invasion along the creekline and restore native habitat. The valley is a bird-lovers’ haven with over 170 bird species sighted in this area.
Who Funds it?
This long-term project has been made possible by a $250,000 grant from the NSW Environmental Trust for the protection and conservation of Mullet Creek. Pittwater Council and now Northern Beaches Council contributed to and managed the project. Community involvement has been a crucial part of the project. The project concludes in June 2018.
A brochure is available about the project. You can pick up a copy at both entrances to the track through Ingleside Chase Reserve between Irrawong Rd North Narrabeen, and Ingleside Rd, Ingleside. It’s also available from PEF by calling 0439 409 202.
Can I help?
The Mullet Creek bushcare group (also known as Irrawong Bushcare) meets on the third Saturday afternoon of each month. This group will continue to meet after the grant project is completed. For details contact Northern Beaches Council€™s bushcare officer Michael Kneipp on 0417 688 492.
Giant Burrowing Frogs
In 2016 Giant Burrowing Frogs were found in the upper catchment area. Vulnerable to extinction in NSW, these frogs need water of excellent quality and enjoy calling from yabby burrows.
Mullet Creek Bushcare Group
The Mullet Creek Bushcare group weeds and plants tubestock (small trees and shrubs) in this area.